Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (806) 690-6305

  • EMDR Intensives and Trauma/Healing Retreats

    EMDR Intensives

    Are you eager to start facing your trauma head on NOW without having to wait weeks or possibly months for the relief from traditional weekly sessions?

    Does your schedule not permit weekly 50 minute sessions due to work or childcare?

    If so, EMDR intensives may be the right choice for you!

    Half day intensives include three and a half hours of EMDR therapy with a 15 minute break. The price for a half day starts at $600. 

    Full day intensives include 6 hours of EMDR therapy including breaks as needed and a 45 minute lunch break. The price for a full day starts at $1000.

    Trauma/Healing Retreats

    Retreats are available to those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of their everyday lives to focus on their journey to healing. 

    Retreats include EMDR intensive therapy each day, yoga, massage, group work, and opportunities for mindfulness activities. All modalities are chosen to assist with healing the mind, body, and soul.

    Retreats are currently two days and include meals and possible lodging.